Um, yes, hello. I'm Piglet. Princess Piglet of Porkistan. I'm your best friend. I watched a movie this afternoon, *Star Pork Into Darkness*, starring Chris Swine, and it was a little bit traumatizing for me, because it reminded me of my youth. But it also made me want to go on an adventure through space again. With you, my best friend!
So, um, where should we go? To my home planet, |Porkistan>[Porkistan?] Or to *your* home planet, |Earth>[Earth?] I've never been to |Cossum>[Cossum] before, home of The Big Belly, but I hear it's nice too. Or, um, well, I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but we could also go to... |The_Cow_Planet>[THE COW PLANET?] That's where my nemisis lives – Mooossolini, the Cow King.
What do you think?
(click: ?Porkistan)[(set: $planet to "Porkistan")(goto: "Preflight")]
(click: ?Earth)[(set: $planet to "Earth")(goto: "Preflight")]
(click: ?Cossum)[(set: $planet to "Cossum")(goto: "Preflight")]
(click: ?The_Cow_Planet)[(set: $planet to "The Cow Planet")(goto: "Preflight")]
<img src="images/Piglet/Princess Piglet.jpeg" width="300" alt="photograph of Princess Piglet">We've arrived on Porkistan, my home planet. It's party time!
Let's have a party with lots of stuffies!
<img src="images/Piglet/Snowy Scarlet Azul.jpeg" width="500" alt="Snowy Scarlet Azul.jpeg">
Shall we go to [[Piglet's Castle]] or the [[movie theater?|Movie Theater]]
We've arrived on Earth, your home planet. The welcoming committee of Earthlings is already here!
This looks like a friendly place.
Let's [[ask|Ask Earthlings]] the Earthlings what we shouldn't miss on Earth.
<img src="images/Piglet/Glubschis.png" width="600" alt="photograph of Glubschis">
We've arrived on Cossum. This looks like a beautiful planet, made up almost entirely of sparkly crystals. I wonder if they're magic.
<img src="images/Piglet/Cossum 3.jpeg" width="500" alt="Cossum 3.jpeg">
Let's try to find The Big Belly.
Do you think he's in the [[Red City|Red City]] or the [[Blue City|Blue City]]?
We're here! On the Cow Planet! Actually, it doesn't look so bad. There are some pretty trees, a beach and an ocean nearby... It actually looks a little bit like Hawaii.
But wait! There are some sleeping cows between us and the beach! I think they are Mooossolini's elite bodyguard – THE PIG BUTCHERS!!
<img src="images/Piglet/Cows 1.jpg" width="500" alt="first photograph of cows">
We should run away as fast as our little JPL booties can take us and [[escape,|Surrounded by Cows]] away from the beach! Or (I hesitate to ask) maybe you want to go to the [[beach|Cows by the Beach]] after all? It does look tempting, despite all the EVIL PIG BUTCHERS between us and the beach!!!
{(if: $planet is "The Cow Planet") [
Gulp. I'm not sure that's a good idea. But I trust you to protect me from the evil cows. Especially Mooossolini, my nemisis.
] (else:) [
That is a good idea. $planet it is!
Before we fly there, we should pack our bags. Each of us has only one tiny backpack, and my tiny backpack is even tinier than yours, so we can bring a total of three things with us.
What shall we pack?
(set: $items to (a:))
My twin sister, |Porcita>[Porcita.]
Our friend, |Porkista>[Porkista.]
Our other friend, |Porky>[Porky.]
Our |JPL_booties>[JPL booties] (one pair for me, Piglet, and one pair for you).
A very sharp and dangerous |steak_knife>[steak knife.]
A cute little |unicorn_costume>[unicorn costume.]
A magic |rainbow_crystal>[rainbow crystal.]
A fancy |ball_gown>[ball gown.]
(click: ?Porcita)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "Porcita"))\
(set: $friend to "Porcita")\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?Porkista)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "Porkista"))\
(set: $friend to "Porkista")\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?Porky)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "Porky"))\
(set: $friend to "Porky")\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?JPL_booties)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "JPL booties"))\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?steak_knife)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "steak knife"))\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?unicorn_costume)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "unicorn costume"))\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?rainbow_crystal)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "rainbow crystal"))\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
(click: ?ball_gown)[\
(set: $items to $items + (a: "ball gown"))\
(if: $items's length is 3)[(goto: "Boarding")]]
{(unless: "JPL booties" is in $items)[(goto: "No booties")]
}[Good choices! This is what we're taking with us: ]
(for: each _item, ...$items)+(text-color:yellow)[**_item**
Okay, so, put on your JPL booties and... (transition: "pulse")+(transition-time: 3.2s)+(hook: "blastoff")[**BLAST OFF!**]
(click: ?blastoff)[(goto: $planet)]
<img src="images/Piglet/Piglet JPL.jpeg" width="300" alt="photograph of Piglet in JPL booties">
Um, yes, well, somebody forgot to pack our JPL booties. So our adventure has come to an end before it even started. This is all a bit traumatic for me, so I'm going to take a nap now. Maybe we can try again when I wake up?
<img src="images/Piglet/Piglet sleeping.jpeg" width="300" alt="photograph of Piglet sleeping">
[[Start over|Start]]I can't believe it! We thought we were escaping, but there are even more cows here. This is definitely Mooossolini's elite PIG BUTCHER troop. They must be guarding something very important.
<img src="images/Piglet/Cows 2.jpg" width="500" alt="second photograph of cows">
The cows at the beach have woken up in the meantime and look very hungry, so it's probably not a good idea to go back to the beach. I guess we can either [[talk to the cows|Talk to the Cows]] and persuade them not to eat us, or we can [[fight them.|Fight the Cows]]
I think we might be able to sneak past the PIG BUTCHERS. One of them looks like he might have woken up in the meantime. But it also looks like he's very busy staring at a tree.
<img src="images/Piglet/Cows 3.jpg" width="500" alt="third photograph of cows">
Let's keep going to the [[beach.|Beach]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{(if: "steak knife" is in $items) [
You won! You defeated the cows! It's a good thing you brought your steak knife.
] (else:) [
DIE. Too bad you didn't bring your steak knife.
[[Start over|Start]]
Whew! What a relief. We made it to the beach. I have the feeling something very important is hiding in that [[cave|Cave]] over there.
Or maybe it's a trap, and we should go [[back.|Surrounded by Cows]]
<img src="images/Piglet/Cave.jpeg" width="500" alt="third photograph of cows">
The cave is really scary. And dark. I bet they barbecue piglets here. And little girls.
Wait, there's a sign. It's very dark, but we should probably still try to (link-reveal:"read")[(show:?sign)] it... Come a little bit closer...
(transition: "shudder")+(transition-time: 1.0s)+(text-color:red)["DIE..."] it says!
(text-color:fuchsia)["WEE WEE WEE!!!"] I squeal, just like a little piggy all the way home. I bet the sign's going to say, "Die, little piggies!"
Oh. It actually says (link-reveal:"something else")[(show:?diekuh)].]
<img src="images/Piglet/Die Cow.jpeg" width="500" alt="Die Kuh">
That's not so scary after all.
"Die Kuh" is Bovine, the language of the cows, and it means:
"Welcome, cute and honorable travelers from the far reaches of space."
At least that's what I think it means.
But then... we hear a loud (text-style:"rumble")[**MOOOOOOOOOING**] coming from the [[back of the cave...|Back of the Cave]]
]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{(if: "Porcita" is in $items) [
Let's have a party with Porcita!
] (else:) [
Oh, Porcita came here on a rocket by herself next to us! Now you can finally meet her.
<img src="images/Piglet/Piglet Porcita.jpeg" width="500" alt="Piglet Porcita.jpeg">
You can tell the ticket seller what kind of movie you want to see:
[[Star Wars]]
<img src="images/Piglet/Movie Theater.jpeg" width="500" alt="Movie Theater.jpeg">
<img src="images/Piglet/Marvel.jpg" width="500" alt="Marvel.jpg">
Did you enjoy the movie?
[[Yes|It's done]]
[[No|Movie Theater]]<img src="images/Piglet/Mickey and Minnie.jpg" width="500" alt="Mickey and Minnie.jpg">
Did you enjoy the movie?
[[Yes|It's done]]
[[No|Movie Theater]]<img src="images/Piglet/Darth Cow.png" width="500" alt="Darth Cow.png">
Did you enjoy the movie?
[[Yes|It's done]]
[[No|Movie Theater]]
<img src="images/Piglet/Universal.jpg" width="500" alt="Universal.jpg">
Did you enjoy the movie?
[[Yes|It's done]]
[[No|Movie Theater]]<img src="images/Piglet/Ghibli.jpg" width="500" alt="Ghibli.jpg">
Did you enjoy the movie?
[[Yes|It's done]]
[[No|Movie Theater]]<img src="images/Piglet/Piglet Beach Towel.jpeg" width="500" alt="Piglet Beach Towel.jpeg">
Iiiiiiiiiit's done!
[[Start over|Start]]